Individuals who have earned their Destination Management Certified Professional (DMCP) designation demonstrate the highest level of knowledge and commitment to the destination management profession. Â Search on all or part of name and/or location.
DMCP Directory
DMCP Directory
Barb Campbell CSEP, DMCP
Managing Partner CTC Destination Management, a DMC Network Company
Rob Carachilo DMCP
Owner/ President Roberts Event Group/Philadelphia
Lonise Carey DMCP
General Manager Island Destination Services, a DMC Network Affiliate
Mrs. Natalia Casajuana Larrosa DMCP
Managing Director TERRAEVENTS Spain, a DMC Network Affiliate
Irene Castillo DMCP, CMP
President Castillo Sightseeing Tours, Inc.
Taylor Clark DMCP
Manager of Event Operations LEO Events
Katie Poche Cobb DMCP
Senior Account Executive NOLA DMC
Kellie Collins DMCP
Regional Director of Events PRA Orange County
Erin Duffy Cook DMCP, CMP
President E Squared (E2) Meetings and Events
Ms. Ana Corona DMCP
General Manager Incentivos Vallarta, S.A. de C.V. dba Tropical Incentives DMC - Puerto Vallarta
Michelle Couch DMCP
Owner / Business Development Event Experience, a DMC Network Company
Tim Covell DMCP
President Capital City Events, Inc., a DMC Network Company
Sergino Croes DMCP
Director of Xperience Management Arawak Destination Management Xperts
Ana Maria Cuadrado DMCP
TERRAEVENTS Spain, a DMC Network Affiliate