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DMCP Candidate Application

The following information is required for you to complete your online DMCP application.   If you have questions, please call ADMEI at +1-512-345-8833 or email

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Applicant Information
Provide your primary contact information. ADMEI will use this information to contact you regarding your application status and all future communications.

Experience and Management Information

  • a minimum of three (3) years direct DMC experience, or
  • a minimum of two (2) years direct DMC experience + a college degree in any field

Please indicate which of the following is true.  

I have a minimum of three (3) years of direct DMC experience.
I have a minimum of two (2) years direct DMC experience + a college degree (in any field).

Please upload your current resume / CV.

20MB max
DMC Competencies (28 Checkboxes Required)
Below are the core skills and expertise Destination Management Company (DMC) professionals possess. Check all the competencies in which you have been responsible for over the past 5 consecutive years. You must select a minimum of TWENTY-EIGHT (28) competencies to be considered as a candidate.

Define Client's Goals and Objectives
Work with Multiple Stakeholders
Research Past Program Data / Facts

Create a Proposal
Conduct a Site Visit
Establish and Work with a Budget
Create Program Content
Design Transportation
Design Dine Around
Calculate Function Space for Room Arrangements
Create Custom Tours
Design Team Building
Develop Pricing Models for Food and Beverage
Utilize Margin for Pricing
Negotiate Client Contract Terms
Secure Vendor Agreements

Manage Tour and/or Meeting Registration
Manage Housing
Execute Transportation
Manage a Dine Around
Oversee Tour Programs
Obtain City Permits
Operate Airport Meet/Greet Services
Develop and Maintain a Working Manifest
Develop or Manage a Youth Program
Execute Team Building
Oversee Food and Beverage
Manage Audio and Visual Requirements
Manage a Speaker / Talent
Oversee Vendors
Create a Schedule of Services (SOS) for Staff
Manage Onsite Staffing (Hospitality, Registration, Special Event, etc.)

Create Marketing, Promotion, and Publicity
Attend a Pre Convention Meeting
Monitor and Maintain Program Profitability
Manage Program Billing
Manage Technology (Social Media, Database, Website, etc)
Professional Contributions, Education, Involvement

You must select at least 5 check boxes from the remainder of this form to be considered a candidate.

Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree

I participated in a Hospitality Internship while in school.

ADMEI encourages continued education and industry involvement.   Qualified industry-related continuing education is defined as a program that focuses on at least one of the 4 DMC domains as defined within the DMC Competencies.  

If you choose either of the boxes in this section, you must provide documentation in one of the following ways:

*You will need to identify the following:  DMC Domain for each session, program sponsor / provider, location & date, clock hours, proof of attendance. 

Educational sessions must have been completed within the past five (5) years.  

Note:  Attendance at ADMEI annual conferences will be reported under ADMEI INVOLVEMENT.

Please check the session hours you want to submit (i.e., webinars, non-ADMEI conference sessions, etc.).  

At least 10 clock hours of qualified industry-related continuing education*
At least 20 clock hours of qualified industry-related continuing education* (this is worth 2 check boxes)

If you checked 10 or 20 hours of continuing education in the previous question, please upload your documentation here.  Download the Professional Development Documentation Form if needed.

20MB max

Please select the specialty courses you have participated in.

DMCP Study Session
DMC Institute Course or Webinar series
Emergency Preparedness Certificate Course

I have earned at least 1 other event industry certification (i.e., CAE, CMP, CITP, etc.)

If you checked that you earned an industry certification in the last 5 years, please upload your certificate.

20MB max

Check all that apply.

I attended the most recent ADMEI conference
I attended the ADMEI conference two (2) years ago
I attended an ADMEI conference three - five (3 -5) years ago

You may submit up to two (2) published articles.   If you are submitting two (2) articles, select both checkboxes. You will need to upload the article(s) in the next section.

Article #1
Article #2

Please upload the first article you authored in PDF format.

20MB max

Please upload the second article you authored in PDF format.

20MB max

If you have lectured for a class, please indicate below.  You may submit up to two (2).

Lecture #1
Lecture #2

If you selected Lecture, please provide the following for each:

  1. Hosting Institution
  2. Date
  3. Course

I have taught a hospitality course at a university or community college in the last 5 years.

  1. Name of Course
  2. Date(s) Taught
  3. University or Community College Name

If you have served as a speaker or panelist within the last five (5) years, please indicate below.  You may provide up to two (2).

Speaker / Panelist #1
Speaker / Panelist #2

If you selected Speaker / Panelist, please provide the following:

  1. Meeting Name
  2. Topic
  3. Date

Organizational Involvement
Please check all the industry organizations of which you have been a member within the past five years and indicate the capacities in which you were involved. (Check all that apply.)

Committee Member
Board Member

Committee Member
Board Member

Committee Member
Board Member

Committee Member
Board Member

Committee Member
Board Member

Committee Member
Board Member

Committee Member
Board Member

Additional professional memberships may qualify for credit if the Association’s mission is consistent with ADMEI’s. Membership in associations not directly related to the Destination Management industry (Chamber of Commerce, Toastmasters, Executive Women International, etc.) do not apply.   Please list any additional organizations you would like considered.

Please provide your signed supervisor approval form, and two (2) letters of recommendation (one client and one industry professional other than supervisor),

Upload a completed and signed Supervisor Approval Form. (PDF format)

20MB max

Dated within the past six (6) months, upload a letter of recommendation from a client.  (PDF format)

20MB max

Dated within the past six (6) months, upload a letter of recommendation from an industry professional (other than your supervisor).  (PDF format)

20MB max

I certify that all the information contained in this application is accurate and truthful.  I understand that all the information I have provided may be verified and I authorize such verification.  I also agree, if certified, to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the ADMEI Board of Directors and the Certification and Accreditation Board. 

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