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2024 ADMC Renewal

DMCs that have achieved accredited status are required to complete an annual form.  The ADMC Reaffirmation form (along with a current COI upload) is completed the first and second year after a DMC earns accreditation.   The ADMC Renewal form (along with required documents similar to the application) is completed in the third year.   The cycle continues throughout the life of accreditation.  

Please provide the following information to Renew your DMC accreditation.  You will need to upload a series of documents in a separate form.   The list of documents needed will be provided in this form confirmation or can be found on the ADMC Renewal webpage.   (The annual ADMC maintenance fee has been incorporated into and detailed on the ADMEI membership dues invoice.) 

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Provide the name, title, and email of the individual completing this form.



An independent, stand-alone corporation, LLC, SRL, or other organization
A subsidiary
A division within another corporation, organization, or company
A sole proprietorship

Please list all individuals with ownership interest in your DMC.  Provide name and percentage of ownership.


...please explain


Please list all other company-owned offices and branch locations of the DMC to which this renewal application applies.  Provide the following for each office.

  1. key contact
  2. full address
  3. phone number


If the DMC is a subsidiary or division of a parent company, provide the following:

  1. Name of parent company
  2. Corporate status of parent company

If the DMC is a parent company and has subsidiaries, provide the following information for each:

  1. Name
  2. Type
  3. Corporate Status


Has your DMC's Articles of Incorporation or governing documents changed?


Is the DMC a for-profit entity whose primary business is directly providing and/or managing four (4) of the five (5) core DMC services:   events, activities, tours, transportation, and program logistics.


Is Destination Management the primary business, with more than 80% of the business' revenue from DMC services?


Has your written contract changed within the last three (3) years?


Has your DMC's client satisfaction survey changed within the last three (3) years?


Does the DMC maintain a minimum of three (3) full-time employees (covering the areas of sales, operations, and administration)?


Your DMC must employ an individual(s) with a current Destination Management Certified Professional (DMCP®) designation. Please note that you must have one valid DMCP® physically in each company-owned office, branch, subsidiary, and affiliate.


It is a requirement of the ADMC® Program that your company maintain the following business insurances to protect the ability of your firm to serve its clients.

International applicants: Use the same approach. We can assure you equivalent insurances are available in Europe and throughout the world. An absence of such insurances regardless of reason would prevent ADMEI from renewing an ADMC.

Commercial General Liability
Property (including property in transit)
Non-owned and Hired Auto Liability
Worker's Compensation
Professional Liability Errors and Omissions

General Liability insurance must be at least $2 million USD or the highest allowed by your country to qualify for accreditation.   If you meet this requirement, select $2 million USD below.   If your coverage is less than $2 million, please type in your explanation.

Please list the: 1. company names 2. contact information (including e-mail addresses) 3. program date 4. services provided of three (3) client references from three (3) different sources (at least two must be clients for which the DMC performed Destination Management services within this calendar year). One (1) must be a client using three (3) of the five (5) core DMC services (events, tours, activities, transportation, and program logistics).


Does the DMC or one of its representatives still belong to the applicable Destination Organization (DO),  Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB), Tourist Bureau and or local Chamber of Commerce for your designated service area. (You must maintain membership in each city you have company-owned offices, branches, subsidiaries, and affiliates.)



I hereby submit this application on behalf of this DMC for accreditation by the Destination Management Company ("DMC") Accreditation Commission (the "Commission") of the Association of Destination Management Executives International ("ADMEI") in accordance with and subject to its rules. I understand that the information gathered in the accreditation process may be used by the ADMEI DMC Accreditation Commission for statistical purposes for the evaluation of the accreditation program. I further understand that the Commission will use reasonable efforts to keep the information in its possession confidential. I understand that the Commission reserves the right to verify any or all of the information associated with or required by this application, and that providing false or omitting required information or misleading information or other side violating the rules governing this accreditation may constitute grounds for the rejection of this application, revocation of this accreditation, or other appropriate disciplinary action. I further understand that the Company must promptly inform the Commission of any changed circumstances that may affect this application and the information that has been provided by the Company. This includes any information that reflects significant changed circumstance in the business, eligibility, geographic scope, corporate status or structure, insurance, loss of certification, or any other information that is modified from that provided to the Commission with the initial application or renewal form, including but not limited to change of name, transfer of ownership, or the merger, consolidation, or acquisition/sale of the DMC. Such notice does not imply automatic transfer of Accreditation and may require the submission of a new application.

I, the undersigned, on behalf of the Company, recognize that the members of the Commission are the sole and only judges of the qualifications of our company to receive and maintain accreditation. I further recognize that the Commission reserves the right to modify or alter at any time the accreditation standards and any rules, policies or procedures in connection therewith. I under stand and agree that as a condition of accreditation the Company must make the ADMEI Accreditation Standards readily available to clients and prospective clients. I authorize the Commission to include the Company's name and contact information in any publicly available lists or directories in which the names of ADMEI-Accredited Destination Management Companies ("ADMC") are published and waive any rights of objections to such listings. I understand and agree that ADMEI owns all right, title and interest in and to all names, trademarks, logos, applications, and other materials related to the accreditation program, and I agree on behalf of the Company that the Company shall only use intellectual property in accordance with policies developed by the Commission and agree to cease using such intellectual property upon expiration, suspension, or termination of the Company's accreditation. I understand and agree that ADMEI makes no claims or warranties regarding the performance of any ADMC, and I agree, on behalf of the Company not to misrepresent the Company's accreditation status and its meaning. I, on behalf of the Company, hereby irrevocably assign to ADMEI all right, title, and interest in and to this application for accreditation.

I further agree to release and hold harmless individually and collectively the officers, directors, appointed Commission and Appeals Committee members, employees, and agents of the Commission for any decision, action, or omission in connection with this application. for the failure of the Commission to issue my Company an accreditation or accreditation renewal, or for the revocation of this accreditation. I also understand and agree that in considering this application, the Commission may make inquiry of such persons or entities, inspect such records, and make and retain copies of such materials as the Commission deems appropriate. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, I hereby authorize the Commission to make such inquiries and provide copies of any relevant and non-confidential information to the Commission. I further authorize the Commission to provide a copy of this Declaration and Release to those entities contacted y the Commission in connection with this application. I have read the application and associated materials and understand and agree to abide by the policies of the Commission. I hereby certify that I am authorized by the Company to submit this application.

Digital Signature of the Principal/Officer of DMC:

By submitting this application, I, the undersigned, am an authorized representative of the DMC and agree that to the best of my knowledge, all information contained and supporting documentation in this application are true and not misleading, that all of the information in this application and supporting documentation is accurate and complete, and that I reasonably and in good faith believe that they requirements have been fulfilled.

The DMC agrees that it currently complies with and will continue to comply with and maintain the Standards for ADMEI Accredited Destination Management Companies at all times during the period of accreditation. 

Digital Signature of the Point of Contact:

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